is a tough, stress, busy and restless week for me
Ohno, i should said three following weeks!!
the last assignment need to pass up on 30th NOV
3rd DEC is my lab test thar carrys 50 marks
the following 7th, 8th and 9th DEC
will be my final exam
Yes, is the FINAL EXAM
is gonna to end my 1st smes
but i seem like Noe nothing!!!
i hate this feeling
and i never have this feeling
in my study life so far..
even i fail my account, my QS in tarc
i still noe wat goin on this two subject
but now......
my mind was blank!!!!!
i must start my revision now,
is urgent and rushing!!!
but my assignment have not complete yet
the time is darn pack....
even a long deep breath also seem like wasting energy and time
i was so stress and pissed out with my studies
but the way had no U-turn
the only things i can change is my mind and my attitude
work hard now and think posstive
i dont want and i cannot fail any subject!!!
My Lord,
pls guide me and give me strength
pls give mne wisdom of time management
so that i can manage to do my assignment and do my revision at the same time
pls accompany me all the way all the time
so that i have the power and enegry and also confidence
to fight on this
God, i hope i wish i could honor the Name of Lord
Father, pls help me and protect me
in the name of Jesus i prayed
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Those weeks will be busy and stress
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 00:29 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
a testimonial
this is a testimonial...
2 weeks ago, when i attend my bible studies and sharing group
Patrick had told us to think of Book of Malachi(3:10)
-Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. -
and he ask us try on the offering on that Sunday
listen to him, and i prayed to Godfather
to confindence and show me the power of Him
so, i offered an amount that bigger than the amount i offered usually
(nw i Noe is not i offer to God, but is God prepared all the things i needed for me)
the love of God is amazing
i get my all my tuition fees earlier than previous month
and i get extra pocket money from my mom
the most greatest part of GOD is
a LAPTOP that worth RM2399
i never think beforethat my mummy will give me
such a big amount of moneyto purchase it
thats y i keep waiting for my ptptn
but Now, God give it to me
i Noe that is the love and the bless of God
so that my mummy allow me to spend her money to buy it
not to said my mummy no good
but i noe the finiancial status of my family
so is really feel thankful
all i get in this month is unbelievevable
besides that get extra money and laptop
i aso touched by the friendship!!
Jun fetched me to LOW YAT purposely
just wanna help me but the laptop
is far from her house
i soo touched and appreciate she and joey kindness
thank you so much
and Thanks God that give this two friends
Yes, the love of God is true
Lord will do what He had promise to use
anad we must in faith with Him
the bless He give me is more than enough
让我得以获得 一部的电脑
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 06:58 1 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
其 实.....
有 时 侯, 我 觉 得 自 己 应 有 尽 有
有 一 班 很" 疯" 的 朋 友, 可 以 读 书, 又 有 钱 赚
有 时 侯, 我 却 觉 得 自 己 一 无 所 有
仿 佛 一 切 都 失 控 了, 一 切 都 那 么 的 虚 假.....
心 情 就 像 坐 过 山 车,时 高 时 低
我 已 经 不 是 那 些 十 八 九 岁
那 种 少 年 无 愁 强 说 愁 的 年 纪 了
20 岁 了, 是 个 大 人 了
责 任 感 一 定 要 有 的
要 明 白 世 事 不 能 尽 如 人 意
有 些 事, 必 须 学 会 接 受
如 果 看 到 这
你 还 不 明 白 我 在 想 什 么
没 关 系, 因 为 我 自 己 也 不 懂
我 究 竟 在 写 什 么???????????????!!!!!!!!!
都 是DWDS 惹 的 祸
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 06:09 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
i just need a ear and a shoulder
sometime i feel confused
who is the one that i can 100% believe
the one that i can share my deeply feeling
and the words from buttom of my heart
my friends???
i Noe they sayang me of coz
but everytime when i gonna to share it
it sure will be somethings happen
may because of the timing problems or some unecessary people are involed
or may b i m over self-protecting??
everytime u said somethings out
u must get prepared that ur secret will b spreading
or even will be twisting!!
when u get hurt once ago, u will never try again!!
now i open my heart and treat u as my true friend
and i Hope u are really my friend
please dont let me know that u betrayed me
M i too pessimist???
i have no idea in trusting people
not only the people around me
even myself i aso cant fully trusted
i m waiting, waiting for someone
someone who I can trust completely and fully
someone that know me well more than myself
someone that can protect me being hurt
someone, are you???
no matter how,
i keep reminding myself
GOD is always there for me
HE is the one i can fully trusted
HE is the one know me more than myself
and HE always guide me and protect me as usual
thanks GOD that u found me and accept me as u child
i know u have planned for my life, my journey
it is a hard time for me
but i still in faith of YOU
because u always there for me
--The Lord is my helper, and i will not fear what man shall do unto me--
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 09:08 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
无 聊 之 辈
人 就 是 那 么 的 肤 浅
人 就 是 那 么 的 主 观
单 凭 表 面, 就 武 断 地 下 定 论!!!!!
那, 希 望 你 没 有 拿 到 有 毒 的 红 苹 果
我 从 来 都 不 是 你 们 要 的 那 种 人
我 也 不 稀 罕!!!!!!
但 是, 我 不 由 你 们 来 评 论
我 怎 样, 有 碍 着 你 们 吗???????
我 不 保 护 自 己??
难 道 你 们 来 保 护 我 吗???
真 是 天 大 的 笑 话!!!!!
我 就 是 那 么 辣, 那 么重 口 味
你 不 喜 欢, 是 你 的 事
但 还 轮 不 到 你 们 来 评 论!!!
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 08:21 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
some gone, and some are coming soon!!
finally i done my nws assignment
and this is an assignment that take me longest time than ever!!!
i used more than one month to complete it!!!
and yet, finally i finished....
i have no idea what i get a higher marks???
bt at least i put all my effort inside
so, no regrets~~~
thanks for all my frens fro willing to share thier info with me
exspecially my beloved symonde
2 assignment and one lab test is over
is still leave one assignment and one lab test
before the final is come!!!
DWS, the most unclear module for me
i have no idea on what shd i do in this assignment
aiksssss....why so complicated?????
now i only realise that time passed so fast
i almost complete my 1st semester in APIIT
complaint this and complaint that
but i still survived until now
hopefully, i can pass all my subject in this 1st semester
Ya, what i can is just a PASS or just a CREDIT
MY Lord, pls give me confidence and well time management
so i can handle all this stuffs....
i felt so thankful that i can completed my two assigment
this is not i worked it out, but all is the work of GOD
without HIM, i can do nothing...
i can finished my assigments is because of his guide and blesses from HIM
thanks my Father so much.....
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 09:42 0 comments
a memorable and unforgetable bday =)
041109, 将 会 是 我 永 远 记 得 的 日 子
谢 谢kisiao gang 带 给 我 很 多 很 多 的
" 惊 喜"
我 将 所 有 的 感 动 都 放 在 心 里
我 爱 你 们
谢 谢 你 们 那 么 花 心 思 的 为 我 庆 祝
谢 谢junjun, fungfung 和joey
为 了 给 我 带 来 惊 喜 而 演 了 那 么 多 戏!!!
哈 哈... 真 的 有 被 你 们 骗 到......
谢 谢fungfung 的" 万 人 生 日 卡"
还 有"special edition" 的 礼 物
a date that i will never forget---04Nov09
thanks for my kisiao gang bring me so much of "surprise"
i will keep it on my mind always..
love u guysss so much
i m so touched for the well planning and organizing my bday celebration
special thanks for jun, mei fung and joey
they acted a lots just because of wanna bring me surprisessssss...
thx for mei fung handmade bday card and the tvxq edition
特 地 上 山 为 我 庆 祝....
谢 谢 你 们 的 蛋 糕 和" 葡 嗒"
also thanked to jj, gene and edwin
they purposely go look out point for my bday
thanks for the cake and the tart toooo!!!
没 有 你 们 就 没 有 那 天 的 回 忆...
真 的 很 感 动...
i wont have such a wonderful bday without u guysssss...
it really so touched and memorable
也 谢 谢 我 在apiit 的 同 学
虽 然 我 们 认 识 不 久
但 是 谢 谢 你 们 的 贴 心...
谢 谢 你 们 的 蛋 糕....
真 的 有 吓 一 跳...
also thanks to my friends in apiit
although we just know each others for a few moths only
but thanks for still remember my bday
and thanks for the cake
it shocked me too =)
谢 谢 所 有 祝 福 我 的 朋 友, 路 人 甲, 和 我 爱 的 家 人
希 望 你 们 永 远 幸 福 快 乐...
a lots for thanks for all the bday wishes from my frens, my family and anymous...
God bless u guyssss...
Posted by ~SimPle CaRm3N~ at 04:14 2 comments