Friday, October 23, 2009


who is the 4 charming, pretty, cuttie and awesome girls above???
They are a group that wil debute to thje world soon...
with a group name of JC2
they can laugh, can sing, can talk, can play, can be active or passive
4 of them have a different personailty
but they love and care for everyone besides them
in one group, u can find pretty, cuties, charming and sexy girls inside??
may b u cant find it before???
but now for sure u can see it!!
that is JC2...
so, pls continue support them!!
they worth for ur loves, supports, and cares!!

 现 在 要 为 你 介 绍
 就 快 轰 动 全 球,  热 爆  世 界 的 女 子 组
 他 们 动 静 皆 宜, 才 华 横 溢
 漂 亮 大 方,  可 爱 迷 人,  性 感 火 辣, 美 丽 动 人
 他 们 爱 身 边 的 每 一 个  人,  关 心 每 一 个 人
 集 不 同 的 性 格 为 一 体 的JC2
 请 大 家  支 持JC2!!!!
 JC2,  加 油!!!


♣♦♠♥Jоеψ Cно♥♠♦♣ said...

haha... who is the pretty?? who is the cutie?? who is the sexy?? n who is the charming??